
Archive Monitoring and Audit Services

This is built on top our Archive Monitoring UI:

Archive Monitoring UI is a web based application ideal for librarian to initiate Archive, Restore, Partial Restore, Tapes Insert/Eject requests and monitor them, check actor/drive status and generate reports.


  • Search files in CIFS/FTP Source and initiate multiple archive request.
  • View and search Content Storage Manager (CSM) requests filtered by category, source/ destination, request status, request type and time.
  • Current status of CSM Data Mover and Tape Drives and Email notification if Data Movers or Tape Drives are offline.
  • Report Generation based on dates.
  • Tape and its contents search, Insert and Eject Tapes and export contents of the tapes.
  • Filter and view Object and their Tape bar-code based on start and end date, category and initiate restore request.
  • Search Object components and initiate Time Code/File or Folder based Partial Request

Sample Reports from Monitoring Services:

Archive Migration Services

This is built on top our Gateway and Vision Platforms:

MT Gateway: CSM Emulator & Cloud Mover – This Module, acts as a bridge between Content Storage Managers (CSM) and Object/Cloud Storage modalities

MT Vision: User Friendly Migration Interface with built in Elastic Search; Media Workflow Orchestration Capability triggered by policies; API interface to MT Gateway

How We Migrate

  • Customer has to keep CSM in production, while migrating content to Cloud Storage for DR or for Technology Refresh
  • MT Gateway acts as the Virtualization Layer between MAM and CSM, providing alternative access to cloud/object storage without any change in workflow. Target preferences are set in the UI
  • Seamless integration with MAM, Playout Servers and CSM applications

Solution Architecture for Migration Services

Media Monetization Services

This is built on top our Integration with Partner Products and offered as a turnkey service

  • AI/ML for Automated Metadata Enrichment using Media Cloud Microservices Architecture and a Cloud Agnostic model
  • Integrated Playout and Channel in the Cloud – with Pace Media
  • Content Syndication and OTT Ready Services with mediathand